Creative. Versatile. Inspired.
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Liisa S. Photography & Design website including rates and examples:
Photography is one of my favourite hobbies. Some of these photos were taken with a much older camera body so the quality doesn't match some of the snazzy new photos, but I had to still had to include in this gallery because they're some of my favourite work. I have a good understanding of lighting for studio work, I do well with production (theatre) photography, location based photography, and product photography. My favourite subject will always be nature. Click here for a more extensive photography portfolio.
Graphic Design
I am fully proficient in Photoshop and InDesign, and have a very good understanding of other Adobe software. I am resourceful, meaning if you have an idea in mind, I will make that idea come to life by whatever means necessary. Below are some of my favourite examples of my work, though some may be outdated by now. Click here to view additional graphic design by myself, or contact me for a physical portfolio which I can't share online due to CTA and HR policies of the companies they were created for.
Vote MePoster for a successful election campaign (containing other posters). | Event Poster | Event Poster |
Ripe Attire 1/3Ad campaign for a fictional clothing brand (project for Ad Techniques Class at uOttawa). Photos taken by me. | Ripe Attire 2/3Ad campaign for a fictional clothing brand (project for Ad Techniques Class at uOttawa). Photos taken by me. | Ripe Attire 3/3Ad campaign for a fictional clothing brand (project for Ad Techniques Class at uOttawa). Photos taken by me. |
Callout FlyerOrpheus Musical Theatre | Classy Concert Poster | Show PosterKorah Collegiate |
Cover PhotoKorah Collegiate | T-Shirt FrontKorah Collegiate | T-Shirt BackKorah Collegiate |
PosterKorah Collegiate | Dinner PosterKorah Collegiate | Reunion PosterKorah Collegiate |
BookmarkKWMP | PosterKWMP | Product Flyer 1Vector Marketing |
Product Flyer 2Vector Marketing | Campaign LogoVector Marketing - Still used currently. | Sales PosterVector Marketing |
Infographic PosterVector Marketing |
I have a background in video from volunteering as a videographer for live events with Shaw Video (now Rogers) for 6 years. I also took video production classes in university, and have a strong understanding of how to shoot and edit video for various markets. Also, I just love video work, it's such an interesting medium! One notable fun project of mine was editing footage from a Metis Youth group, and having the 45 minute documentary I edited air on APTN (unfortunately it was so long ago, I can't find the files anywhere), as it was done in order for my high school to receive new video equipment. Below is some of my favourite work, even though the quality on some may be lower than others due to the equipment that was available to me at the time. Click here to view additional corporate videos.